Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Quick and Easy - Pork Katsudon

One of the favourite dishes in our house is pork chops - breaded, fried, grilled, sauted with onions, etc. What can I say! Like Aussies are to lambchops, Manluloz are to porkchops. My girls love it because its something they can eat with their rice and they like the drippings from the grill or the pan. I like it because it is one of the most versatile cuts in the meat category.

For a little bit of variety and a touch of Japanese, a friend of mine shared this simple and quick recipe which I've included in our fortnightly menu. The only unique ingredient in this recipe though, is the mirin. Mirin is an essential condiment used in Japanese cuisine. It is also like sake but has a lower alcohol content. Mirin isn't that hard to get here. It is mostly available in all asian shops. And because we also love most Japanese dishes, this is one of the basics in our pantry.

This dish is not intended for the kids though as they prefer it plain, and sometimes dipped in soy sauce and vinegar with garlic.

So the next time you have some pork chops in the freezer, should be best to try this simple rice topping menu.

Scoop some rice in a bowl. Top it with your fried or breaded porkchops.

In a small saucepan, boil: 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1/4 cup mirin, 1/4 cup water and 2 tbsp sugar. Once it boils, stir in 1 or 2 eggs. Then add the chopped onion chives. Remove from heat.

Note: You may add more sugar to suit your taste, as sometimes the soy sauce can be too salty. Depending on the brand. I usually have light soy in the pantry.

Pour the mirin mixture onto the rice bowl. Serve warm. Best eaten with chopsticks.

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