Monday, May 31, 2010

Dentists, Ipads and Haighs

We took to the city last Friday for Ate's dentist' appointment. And while its not really timing to be thinking about chocolates after a dental appointment, I took the opportunity and planned a leisure walk from the dentist' building along George St in the Sydney CBD to visit Haighs and along the way admire the persistence of fans lining up for the release of the new Apple Ipad.

Haigh's Chocolates is one of Australia's best chocolates. And once you taste it, you will argue no more. One of the best dark chocolates I've ever tasted. First time I had a taste was when big brother came back from Adelaide and brought some straight from the factory! Seriously dark, luxurious chocolates.

At the store, there were heaps of eye catching, mouth watering display of chocolates, chocolates and more chocolates! My excuse? It's winter! Time to indulge in the most comforting of all food groups! Chocolates! Besides the chocolate frogs, and pastilles and honeycomb bars, we also got some dark chocolate couveture to try on our favourite brownies and chocolate chips recipes!

As we head out the doors from Haighs, I stop and admire at the paradoxical flurry of excitement in that small block along George St. The same level of excitement from the crowd coming out from Haighs as those coming in and out from the Apple store across from the Strand Arcade. What a wonderful world we live in! Chocolates and Ipads can exist hand in hand to make this world a better place. Don't forget to visit your dentist every 6 months!

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