Wednesday, May 05, 2010

The disastrous but still super moist lemon yoghurt cake

During the MSCW Open Day where the Year 7 mums were called to BAKE, and I took the wrong savouries turn instead of the sweet route, I bought a whole Lemon Yoghurt Cake made by another mum who was with me selling at the stall. It was a simple cake dusted with icing sugar and baked in a ring mold cake pan. I took it to work the next day (it wasn't a hit at home) and everyone liked it. As for me, I loved it. I vowed to find the recipe (and I did here) and make it as an Easter treat for Ms B (Year 1 teacher at MPS). I used a tall ring mold more commonly used for Angel Food Cake recipes, and because the cake is super moist, as I turned it out onto a plate, it flipped and flopped, tumbled and crumbled like a stack of building blocks just built by a giddy 2year old. A disaster, as the girls chorused. I made it the morning of the last day of term 1. Silly really. So the cake ended up at home, served for afternoon tea with Lolo and Lola. Despite the disastrous turn out - at least just physically, the cake was as I expected. Moist, tangy, sweet and everything nice.

And so I had to attempt and try it again. And again. And again. It's so easy and great with coffee that we've been baking it every week for a whole month. And even brought some as dessert for a dinner invite at the Vega's.

This is a simple recipe and really easy to make. The only hard part (which isn't even difficult) is the grating the rind off the lemons. If you have a cheese grater, this should be an easy task.

For the cake pan, since I don't own a ring tin and had a disastrous experience with my angel food cake tin, I opted to use a round 8in cake pan and a loaf pan.

Lemon Yoghurt Cake


1 3/4 cups sugar

2 eggs

1/2 tsp salt

2-3tsp lemon juice

grated rind of 2 lemons

3/4 cup oil (we used vegetable oil)

1 cup natural yoghurt

2 cups self-raising flour

In a bowl, mix rind, oil, eggs and sugar with a fork.

Add remaining ingredients and combine well.

Pour into cake pans (the recipe online used a ring tin) and bake at 180 degrees C for 30 minutes.

Leave to cool then turn out and dust with icing sugar.

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