Monday, July 26, 2010

Red and just plain gorgeous!

I spoiled myself once more. Not that Mum goes shopping every week, or indulges at the spa every weekend, or has a regular pedicure-manicure trip. Mum is a cheapskate. Most of the time goes shopping only for food. A bit of side trip every now and then, but mostly just essentials. But one day two weeks ago, an office colleague caught me from my office desk and announced the ALDI special of the week for a Crofton 3L Cast Iron Dutch Oven at $24.95!!!

They went off to Top Ryde Shopping Centre at lunch time and planned to get one each, and so I thought I'd have one too. As with all ALDI specials which sell faster than pancakes, they went back without the loot. I didn't mind much. But I have had that intention to purchase a real good enameled cast iron pot ever since I came across Steamy Kitchen's No Knead Bread here. About 2 years ago. So seriously speaking, that has been a long term plan. And since a really good cast iron pot can't be bought for a song - with the exeption of Aldi's Crofton variety, I had to scout for at least a second best. And look what arrived in the mail the other day!

My ever own La Chassuer Round French Oven bought online from Kitchenware Direct. I have opened the box with much delight and elation in my heart! Yes, mum has such cheap thrills. But hey, you'll be sharing my awe and excitement too, when we try out Jaden's No Knead Bread recipe soon. Meantime, I'm beaming once more.

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