Wednesday, August 18, 2010

2 ways with pesto

I was just thinking how monotonous and routine our days have been especially during week days. In the mornings till the afternoon, its all the same, day in and day out. Wake up at 6:30-6:45am. Make morning tea and lunch for school lunch box. Prepare breakfast if its not cereals and milk, scrambled egg and toast, while Mum has coffee and peanut butter sandwich. Dress up, drive off to school. About 10-15minutes depending on the traffic situation at Wicks and Epping Roads. Sometimes, while just sitting there and waiting for the cars to move forward, I wonder if I did turn off all the heaters. Did I turn off the stove (if I cooked something for lunch in the morning)? Did I turn off all the lights? Was I able to close the front door? The back door? Sometimes routine catches up on us that it makes us wonder, if that was actually today or was it yesterday that I turned off the heater in the bathroom.

Every morning rush just knocks me off my feet and the slow drive to school (well not that slow compared to how it was back in Manila) just plays with my mind with the “have I’s” and the “what if’s”. It can get really animated. In the afternoons, it’s the same thing. Pick up from school, drive home, eat afternoon tea, prepare for dinner, do homework, cook dinner, eat dinner, wash up, dress up for bedtime, do home reading, sleep. And if mum still has the energy, a bit of TV watching. Most days, I wait for Dad to come home from his second job. On odd days, I just give in to exhaustion and get into reading in the bedroom before sleep takes over.

Its no wonder everyone looks forward to weekends! For Mum it starts with a Friday gym class and who knows what’s in store during the weekend. It could be another cake episode, a trip to the local library, a movie, park play, mall? Weekends for us is always a blank canvas when we are flexible and free to do and go whatever and wherever our mood fancies. Which is the greatest thing. I’ve also been thinking about painting some details into Mum’s own massive canvas of which I picture is half way filled with all the adventures and blessings that we have been blessed with. I’m starting to imagine a small business venture relating to food and parties, that self-drive Italian holiday I want to take with Dad, a Hawaiian holiday with factory outlet shopping and a Disneyland experience! Yes! Disneyland is opening its new park in Hawaii in August 2011! Let’s see how it looks in our imaginary canvas.

The previous Friday, watching Better Homes and Gardens inspired me to make homemade pesto, thanks to Fast Ed. BHG is one of your favourite TV shows. Surprisingly at that. You love the varied content and especially the part of Dr Harry showcasing pets and animals, Tara Dennis' decorating projects and Fast Ed's and Karen Martini's cooking prowess.

I remember one time, while watching BHG (you guys were 4yo and 10yo ) I declared in my authoritative-mother-voice that we were going to Davidson (a local suburb about 30 minutes drive away) to walk around a residential street featured on the local news for elaborate home Christmas decorations. And what did I get? - You'd rather watch BHG!? I was stunned.

Well, it has been a long time since, and you've developed so much since.

This is Fast Ed's homemade pesto, made of:

a bunch of garlic

3 cloves garlic

50g roasted pine nuts

50g grated parmesan cheese

1/2 c olive oil

Fast Ed prefers to prepare this using the blender, but in the absence of this kitchen equipment, this pesto was made using the food processor.

Process the garlic and basil until almost finely chopped. Add the roasted pine nuts, parmesan and olive oil and process until smooth.

I prefer a smooth not too think pesto sauce, so I add olive oil until I get the desired consistency.

For dinner, this pesto was used over cooked pasta and tossed with sun dried tomatoes. Great turn out.

pine nuts - store bought (90g bag)

roasted pine nuts (scattered on a baking tray and baked in the oven for about 5-7 minutes in a 180 degree C.

pesto and dried tomato pasta

The next day, I had to try Fast Ed's other ways with pesto and had this for dinner - pesto on poached egg and crusty bread! Super yum!

There are other ways with pesto! Its one of those concoctions that can last for a week in the refrigerator once prepared. And so many ways to use it! The choice is up to you! Like the blank canvas that is life. We can choose the picture and image that we want to stay in our memories. When you're all grown up, I hope your canvas will be as colourful as how you have made mine and Dad's.

Meanwhile, go ahead and make some pesto!

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