Wednesday, August 04, 2010


There’s this cheese product ad on TV featuring a supposed Italian man in the kitchen, cooking and musing out loud about his feelings. Its supposed to be a funny ad with its take on women lured into the “perfect man” - men who have passion, who can cook, who are open, who love their mother, etc. etc. This ad has somehow lifted the awareness of viewers into aubergines. With a serious stern look, he mouths the word – Aubergine! As if he means to say “come, talk to me!” in the most alluring of tones. I suspect people all over will mouth this word as a kind of joke. It is kind of hilarious, and we love that bit especially when he declares, “when I cook, I weep!”.

While aubergines are abundant and with the “perfect man” in mind, I thought it timely to make something that is a Filipino favourite – tortang talong or eggplan/aubergine omelette. This is usually made with some minced meat and of course heaps of eggs. With aubergine variety available locally, I made this with 9 eggs, 250g minced beef for one piece of aubergine/eggplant.

It looks a little bit like a turtle or a whale, doesn’t it. Surprisingly, Ate loved this and it was her first time to eat aubergine, ever! So it must be good.

By the way, Mum found the video online here but here it is to view.

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