Sunday, March 24, 2013

Strawberry-limoncello slushie (for adults only)

If you've been following me on IG aka Instagram, you'd know that we've been busy the last couple of weeks with the inlaws in town (yes, hashtag #inlawsarehere).  We've been doing the touristy thing - you know, Sydney icons - Opera House, Manly, Bondi, Blue Mountains, Harbour Bridge, The Rocks, etc. etc.  We even managed a trip down the South Coast and showcased Hyam's Beach to our guests.  We stayed at the hidden peninsula that is Callala Beach - a lovely little coastal town.  Our weekends were full on.  We shopped non stop (they love shopping!), ate non stop (food's always good anywhere), and just had great fun overall.

Although it can get really exhausting especially when in between these we still have to do our usual routine: school drop off and pick up, work, homework, cello/piano lessons... it's always rrefreshing to have guests around.  It breaks the routine of an otherwise monotonous existence.  Hubby and I truly enjoyed the adult conversation and catch ups after every meal and of course, the late night escapes into the city (MIL was extremely nice) and of course the extra help around the home.   It was bittersweet sending them off after three and half weeks.   Now I am back to my monologue with the girls especially when hubby is working nights.  I say its a monologue because most of the time it sounds like this:  do your homework, brush your teeth, wash already, yadda yadda yadda.  Sigh.

Now that we're back to our routine, its time to catch up on some backlog of food photos and catch up on some writing.  I missed last month's SABH License to Chill - I wanted to share some Filipino Ice Candy aka ice blocks but no matter.  Sydney's autumn scene is still a bit warm so maybe a time to showcase some summer tropical fruits is not yet too late.

The idea for this month's SABH theme (check out JJ's cocktail inspired indulgent Chocolate Caramel Tart!) came through my FB page when I saw this a couple of weeks mid summer.   They looked amazing and at the sight of it I thought, "Wow, that sure looks refreshing!"  I even bought the popsicle moulds. 

Now these challenges always make me excited.  As in giddy.  I prepared this cocktail popsicles on a warm Sydney autumn morning just after breakfast, hoping to slurp on this kick-ass popsicles by sundown.  But alas.  My hopes were let down. After 4 hours in the freezer, the popsicles were still icy and not solid enough to unmold from their cases.  Apparently, I used too much alcohol (initially it was 120ml limoncello.  I've adjusted the recipe below and added more of the ginger ale) . 

But a goal is a goal.  And a promise is a promise.  So by sundown, we've managed to get our asses kicked by this oh-so-punchy popsicle-turned-slushies.  It packs a punch, I tell you.  Maybe next time, I'll try and mix the slushies with some champagne.  Or maybe add a dash of Tabasco sauce?  Oh wait, hang on, that must the limoncello kicking in.....

To make this Strawberry-Limoncello slushie:
60ml limoncello
250ml dry ginger ale
250g punnet fresh strawberries, washed and hulled
Juice of 1 lemon

 Place strawberries in the blender.  

Add lemon juice, ginger beer and limoncello.

Process in a blender. 
Pour into 4 popsicle moulds.  Freezer for 4-6 hours.

(Since this popsicle adventure became slushies, we opted for tiny dessert spoons instead of a straw to make sure consumption is in moderation). 

The limoncello brand Chateau Hestia Limoncello (in the photo) is imported from the Philippines and is actual made of the local indigenous citrus fruit called dalandan and has 38% alcohol content.  We've had it before during our visit in 2010 and its truly something to take in moderation. Thanks to my cousin who sent them through the inlaws.


* Mixture should only have 20 percent alcohol.  The higher the alcohol content, the less the mixture will freeze.  I learned that now.

* You can use shallow paper cups and fill them 2/3s full.  Once the mixture is a little bit solid, insert wooden popsicle sticks.

* This mixture were good for large sized popsicle moulds with extra to sip on.


So how was your weekend like?  Sydney's been warm and its already autumn.  But I'm not complaining.  My tropical blood is enjoying all this sunshine! 


  1. I think I like them as slushies even more than popsicles! I had to giggle at the adult vs kid conversation, too funny ;) I'm loving this late summer spurt too.

    1. Thanks JJ! Yes, it can be quite animated when you think about the adult vs kid converstations. Hahaha!

  2. Wow! These look so lovely and refreshing!
